Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Food For Thought

I am inspired easily sometimes. These images have done that for me. The first one describes me perfectly. I have never been one to act my age. I really don't even know what that means. I don't necessarily act younger or older. I'm just me. Sometimes serious, sometimes silly, always myself though. I don't know how a 32-almost-33 year old is supposed to act. But, if it's any way other than my current state of mind then I'll pass. I happen to like the way I act. Everyone else should too.

"Alice In Wonderland" has long been a favorite of mine. I loved the book as a kid and enjoyed the movies as an adult. There are a ton of quotable moments in the story. One of my favorites being "I've sometimes believed almost 6 impossible things before breakfast." Another being the passage below. It's still true to my life. When you have a decision to make and you don't really know where you're going or what you want, then the road you choose really doesn't matter. I think people forget this. It is a quote that I will always carry with me.

I love this image. I've seen it multiple times with certain words being added or deleted. I love the overall message of it that simply means "enjoy your life." It is a reminder to live life while you can. Because in the end, worrying, stressing, over-thinking will not make you enjoy your life any more. I always need this reminder. I need to remember to simply be in the moment. To exist right now without thinking ahead so much. It is one of my bad habits. I am an over-thinker. Have been for as long as I can remember. And, the reality is it's too much weight for me to bear most days. I need to be more and think less. I know some say that less is more but in the case of this image it's the other way around. I need more, deserve more. And, I've decided to grab my more and leave the less behind. I have to. Theses images gave me food for thought. And allowed me to take my mind off of the other things consuming my mind and life. This is just a little food for thought. Take with you what you need. Leave the rest for someone else. Feed your mind!

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