I am a fan of the "Twilight" movies. I had never read any of the books before. But,
I wanted to know how the story ended. The movies have been very interesting to me. "Breaking Dawn" starts where the last movie began. So, half of the book was just a rehashing of things I knew. I didn't mind reading it though. The second half of the book was amazing. I love the story. If the movie is anything like the book, I will be a satisfied customer. Bella and Edward are so much more likable in the book. I was able to but Pattinson and Stewart out of my mind while I was reading. That made all the difference. "Breaking Dawn" was a very good read. I finished it in just a few days. Even if you've never read any of the other books, it's easy to get into it.

"The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz is an awesome book. It is essential a how to live your life manual. The book flows from the opening sentence. I love the actual four agreements that one needs to make with themselves in order to life a better life. Ruiz presents life in such a simplistic view that it makes perfect sense. If you are into books that can help you improve your life, then this is it. I really loved this book. There is a follow up book entitled "The Fifth Agreement" which I have to read also.

I am currently reading "The Secret." I know I am super late reading this one. I've been hearing about it for years. I just wasn't into self-help type books. I finally gave in and read it. I think I was expecting so much more from it. The secret isn't really a secret any more. It took me way too long to get through this book. I think I was just not into after a few chapters. The information in it wasn't new information to me. It may be a great read to others. I do like the idea of vision boards and I need to work on a new one. So there are things I will take away from this book.
I have about 20 books left on my summer reading list. Yes, I know, that's ambitious. But, then again so am I. I have to dive into the "Left Behind" series. And, that is a 13 book series about the Bible and the Rapture. I'm beyond intrigued about this. I am loving reading again. So, there will be more book reviews to come I'm sure. Hope you guys are reading as well.
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