Saturday, October 06, 2012

Register & Vote

Are you registered to vote?? Has any of your information changed? These are important questions. The deadline to register to vote is now upon us. The last day to register is next Tuesday, October 9th. You can go to this website or this one to register. Getting yourself registered is the first step. It is the most important one as well. Then, after this is complete, you only have one other thing to do: VOTE!!! This is very important. It is the thing that all of us need to do. Voting is our fundamental American right. It is my belief that if you do no t vote, you have no right to complain about what does or doesn't happen in politics. If you sit down and silence your voice during the election, then I have no use for your voice after the fact.

In all honesty, I would love to tell you all to vote for my candidate. But, that is not what this is about. This is truly a non-partisan post. No matter if you're a Democrat, Republican or Independent, voting is a right that belongs to all Americans. Do not let anyone disenfranchise us. We cannot let anyone take away our right to be heard. Register and vote. It's that simple. Today is the day to get on the right road. Please take the two minutes out of your day and register. Vote as if your life and livelihood depends on it. Because the actuality is that it does. So, again I ask, ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE? ARE YOU GOING TO VOTE ON NOVEMBER 6, 2012?

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