Friday, October 05, 2012

Debate Thoughts

Let's get right into this. I was not happy about the debate. Wednesday night's debate was a mess. It seemed unorganized, unmoderated, and unprofessional. For the last week, the GOP has been lowering people's expectations of Romney's debating abilities. And, clearly they succeeded. If my expectations of you are to debate at a 10 and you come in and do 15, then of course it's a win. You did better than expected. Even if what was expected of you wasn't much. On that scale, Romney won. But, in actuality, that isn't the way I measure wins versus loses. I will say that I wasn't impressed with President Obama. The President was not his usual self. This is a man who is a great orator. A man who usually slays debates and speeches. It was not his best moment. It was not what I wanted to see or what the nation needed to see.

- Mitt Romney came prepped and ready.

- Mitt Romney gave prepared speeches as answers to questions that weren't asked.

- Mitt Romney lied again and again. Don't believe me? Check here, here and here.

- If that's a win, the GOP can have it.

The moderator Jim Lehrer was useless in so many ways. He allowed Romney to be rude and classless. Romney continuously interrupted the President. He talked over the President. He even complained and argued with Jim. I was screaming and tweeting for Gwen Ifill to come and save this moderator. She does a great job and I enjoy her. She was clearly needed Wednesday night. The biggest winner has to be the new twitter account of one @FiredBigBird. This account was created after Romney told Jim that he would cut funding to PBS. In effect, firing the cast of "Sesame Street." The account was created during the debate and has garnered almost 28,000 followers at the time that I am writing this. The tweets from this account are hilarious. But, sad because who would fire Big Bird? Mitt Romney that's who. If that's not reason enough to vote to re-elect President Obama, I don't know what is.

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