The library has always been a place of great joy for me. I was the kid who preferred a good book to just about anything. I could go to the library and get lost in the rows and rows of the books. I would sometimes finish an entire book in one trip to the library. I would always leave with 5 or 6 books. You know that scene in "Beauty & the Beast" when the Beast gives Belle the library? That one scene made it my favorite Disney movie.

Even know, books still a huge role in my life. I love to see pictures of exquisite libraries and all of the books. I definitely want to have my own library in my house. Reading is very important. Whether it's the classics or the greats or the downright awful ones, they all matter. I think its one if the best gifts we are given in this world. I know everyone doesn't love to read as much as I do. But, there's so much to discover inside the pages of every book. Libraries are one of my favorite places because they house all of the great writers and great books. How can you go wrong with that?
Your love of reading totally inspired me growing up! Its because of you that I too love to read. More importantly it has inspired my 6 year old to love reading as well. While in kindergarten he was reading on a second grade level! And he won't go to bed without asking for a book to read. If I haven't told you before I'm telling you now, I appreciate the gift you have given me and Matthew! You are the best and I thank you for inspiring and motivating us to be avid readers! We love you co-mom XOXO
Thanks, Cousin. I'm so happy he's a reader too. Awww, I'm gonna cry. You're welcome.