I refuse to be a product junkie. I refuse. I will not buy things just because they promise to help work wonders with my transitioning hair. I heard that this new company "As I Am" had some great products to offer. I went on the website and I ordered the samples. I only paid about $3 for it. There are 10 products total offered. The prices range from $8 - $28. Great products at a great price are always a great thing. The products are available online.
Once my samples arrived, I was excited to try them out. So this past Sunday, I dove right in. I used 4 of the 10 products. The only thing I used that wasn't in the box was my Kinky Curly Knot Today. This is a must for me to help detangle my hair. My results after this cowash were very, very good. I loved the way my hair felt, looked and smelled afterwards. That signifies to me that these products are here to stay.
- Coconut CoWash - is amazing. It smells wonderful. It got my hair totally clean. I loved the way my hair felt during and after.
- Leave In Conditioner - is lightweight and fragrant. My hair felt nourished after apply this.
- Moisture Milk - is a great daily moisturizer. Since I've been transitioning, moisture has been an issue. This solved that problem. The smell is awesome.
- Twist Defining Cream - was used before I put flexirods in my hair. The outcome was great.
- Smoothing Gel- is by far one of my favorites. I used it to smooth down my edges. It worked like a charm.
- CoCo Shea Spray - was a little weird to use. I'm sure it will be better in the bottle it comes in. Again, the smell was awesome and it left my hair shiny and soft. I kept touching it.
- Double Butter Cream - is awesome. I loved the feel of it on my hands before I even put it in my head. After applying, I was more than impressed with it.
- Curling Jelly - I used along with the Twist Defining Cream for my first attempt of a twist out.
In my sample box, were 3 other produts that I haven't used yet. They are the Hydration Elation moisturizer, Curl Clarity Shampoo, and the Cleansing Pudding. I cannot wait to wash my hair and get into these products as well. I have a feeling that As I Am will become a go to product for me during the rest of this journey. As a transitioning naturalista, finding new products is always a task. I have learned that every thing isn't for every type of hair. I have been lucky that I have had a pretty good run with products. Adding these As I Am products to my stable is a must. They work and they are affordable. I love the smell of each product. Products that make this transition easier are the little things that make me smile. Being able to deal with my own hair in a better, more efficient way. If you are transitioning, I suggest you give them a try. Get into "As I Am" natural products.
Whenever you get a chance, I wanna see some before and after pics!!! I need a good detangler. I use Taliah Waajid products but NOTHING detangles my hair the way it needs to be!!! Congrats and good luck boo!!
ReplyDeleteI will do it next time I cowash. KC Knot Today is a great detangler. It's the one thing I live by during my transition. Thanks. I'm knocking on 9 months next week.