The last four days have been a page straight out of a book I loved as a kid. My life was exactly like the story of "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day." Seriously. The title of the book describes the way I've felt for the last half of the week. I've tried to remain positive in my words and in my thoughts this week. I've succeeded in many ways. But, this heat was oppressive. It challenged my positive vibes on more than one day. This is just my short account of my life this week in the aftermath of Hurricane Isaac.It has been an ordeal to say the least. I am not sorry that I stayed because I was in no immediate danger. It did not flood in my area at all. The aftermath was the bane of my existence.
The actual hurricane was bearable. It rained for over 24 hours straight. The winds were clocked at 80 mph. It was loud and dark and a little scary. But I was fine. I was safe, dry and unharmed so I was thankful. However, waking up to a hot house was not pleasant at all. My parish (known as counties to the rest of you) lost power about 6:30 am on Wednesday morning. The heat wasn't too bad that day due to the rain and wind of Isaac. The temperature was nice most of the day. Things began to take a turn for the worse on Thursday, August 30th. This was the day the temperature started to creep up. This was the second day without power. I was restless, hot and disgusted. Oh and this was the day the cold showers started. I was praying for Entergy to turn on the lights. They did not. I was not pleased. I did not complain because it wouldn't solve anything.
So, now we've made it to Friday. Friday was horrible. Just plain terrible. It was hot and humid. And, I still did not have power. The company sent a crew to begin work on restoring the power. They, of course, did not finish the job. Thus, ending in another hot night of restless sleep. My transitioning natural hair was not happy either. I've learned that too much exposure to heat and humidity makes for a sight on top of my head. It was poufy. I was frustrated and hot as hell. Saturday was the day that things changed. At exactly 3:32 pm, my power came back on. I have never in my life been so happy to hear the central air click on. I was ecstatic. It was finally over. I think I may sleep so long and comfortably. I need it. This has been a long week in which I've only slept between 4 -5 hours each night. It was too hot to sleep any longer than that.
As is the case with most hurricanes, the aftermath was the worst part. It was what I would not want to go through again. I just cannot take it. I am so glad that I made it through this ordeal. I know some lost their homes and cars. I feel sorry for them and I am praying for them. I am truly sorry about the few people who lost their lives. I know that others had it worse than me this week. I know I am blessed. Truly, divinely, thoroughly blessed. Thank God for favor. I am just glad that it is all over.
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