This statement is so true to me. I am what you would call a music elitist or a music snob. I totally (albeit silently) judge people on their musical tastes. I do. I can admit that. I am not hear for this trash that the music industry is attempting to shove down our throats. I crave real talent, great beats and awesome lyrics. And, if an artist cannot give me those three things, I cannot get with it. I love Hip-Hop but there is something missing from most of the current artist. R&B is on life support. I am not here for this Euro-dance pop trash either. I need R&B singers to sing that genre of music and nothing else. The snob in me desires this. You are definitely what you listen to . So, forgive me if I am not into 2 Chainz, Future, and the like. They do nothing for me. They don't even move me to dance. Snobbish, yes. But, it's who I am.

I can not truly listen to and enjoy local radio stations. They play popular music but most of it has no substance to it. I cannot stomach it. So, I do not deal. I feel music so deeply. I do not know why I identify with it so much. It's just a part of my DNA makeup, I believe. If someone tells me that Lil Wayne is a better rapper than Jay-Z, I cannot fathom this. Statements like that makes me side eye a person. If your musical taste is suspect, we can't truly see eye to eye. Because, you see, music means as much to me as reading and writing. Radio stations play the same "hot" songs over and over. If you love a song, the radio will make you hate it. I avoid the radio at all costs. Call me a snob but my musical palette wants, craves, desires more. IT isn't fed by what's hot in the streets. I don't need a dj or a blog to tell me what's good music. My ears work impeccably. What are your ears hearing? Tell me about.
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