A guilty pleasure is something one enjoys and considers pleasurable despite feeling guilt for enjoying it. The "guilt" involved is sometimes simply fear of others discovering one's lowbrow or otherwise embarrassing tastes.
We all have them. Some we share openly because they aren't that bad. Others we covet for fear of anyone finding out we like/do a certain thing. I know I used to have a few that would make be so embarrassed if anyone knew. They were my special things. Tv shows, songs, movies, books and the like that I would only enjoy in private. I have no problem sharing things about myself but these things were my own. I didn't want to be judges or looked at differently for liking such things. It's funny in hindsight because I am not that guarded anymore. I like what I like. I don't really care what others think of my tastes. I love it. So, I decided to share a few of my guilty pleasures with my readers. Here goes:
01) I am a fan of "The Real Housewives" franchise. I watch the OC, Atl, NJ, and Beverly Hills religiously. The NYC one has lost a lot so I don't watch anymore. The DC season was boring and I've never seen Miami. I have a love/hate relationship with reality tv. Some of it is really good and wholesome (i.e. "Tia & Tamera" & "Mary, Mary") and others are straight trash (i.e. "Jersey Shore" & "Keeping Up With The Kardashians"). But, I cannot seem to quit the Housewives franchise cold turkey.
02) I go to Wendy's for two specific reasons. Their chocolate Frosty and fries. I eat them together. Like I stick my hot, salty fried into my cold frosty. I use the fries as a utensil. This satisfies my sweet/salty craving all the time. I've been told that this sounds like a pregnant woman's craving. I do not care. It is god. Try it before you knock it. It's awesomeness in my mouth.
03)Up until very recently, I was a Nicki Minaj fan. Her latest work leaves much to be desired. I also feel too old/mature/intelligent to listen to the music she is putting out. But, pre-YMCMB, pre-Wayne, mixtape Nicki had a fan in me. I still listen to "Itty Bitty Piggy" & "Still I Rise" because that's when she was great to me.
04)When I am reading a book, I completely immerse myself in that world. To me, these characters are real while I'm reading. If one gets hurt or dies, it upsets me. I think it's because I'm very sensitive and a writer also.
05) I LOVE Mariah Carey's "Glitter" movie. Yes, I know it was badly written and poorly acted. Yes, it's cheesy and overly done. I still love it and will watch it any time I catch it.

These are guilty pleasures that I feel no guilt about sharing. I'm sure I have more that I hold close. I just cannot think of anything right now. I also think I am more comfortable sharing this because I have already accepted the fact that I am weird. I am comfortable in my weirdness. I'm just me, flaws and all plus quirks and idiosyncrasies. I wonder if anyone else shares my guilty pleasures. You guys know you can tell me anything. If you are still gun shy about it, tell me anonymously. I won't tell a soul.
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