First Lady Michelle Obama was the star of this night. From her Tracy Reese dress to her perfectly placed hair, she was shining from the moment she walked on stage. Her speech was not political nor was it demeaning to the Republicans. She focused on Barack the man. Her speech was personal and touching. I loved hearing about their live behind closed doors. I could feel how much she truly loves and believes in her husband. She is his biggest supporter. One of my favorite moments from her speech was when she answered this question: “So when people ask me whether being in the White House has changed my husband, I can honestly say that when it comes to his character, and his convictions, and his heart, Barack Obama is still the same man I fell in love with all those years ago.” The First Lady was poised throughout her speech. She talked about their humble beginnings, similar upbringing and eventual success. What I loved most about her speech is the fact that I could tell that her words were genuine. It didn't feel scripted. I loved this quote about her husband as well. "I have seen firsthand that being president doesn’t change who you are. No, it reveals who you are.” & "We were so young, so in love and...so in debt." The First Lady's speech was a glowing endorsement of the man she still believes in. There were no negative attacks on the Republicans or the other candidates. She focused solely on the man she married. Also, she closed her speech speaking of their kids by saying "At the end,f the day, my most important job is still Mom-in-Chief."
Tonight was a great start to the Democratic National Convention. The President is setting out his platform on a national level. Day two was just as invigorating as day one. Outstanding speakers were plentiful. Sandra Fluke, who became famous in the most ridiculous way this year, gave one of the best speeches. Birth control is her passion. She said "Access to birth control that is controlled by people who will never use it." Women's reproductive rights are a hot button issue. Where the Democrats seem to stand up for women, the Republicans seem to turn their backs on women. Massachusetts Senate Candidate Elizabeth Warren also gave a rousing speech. President Clinton closed out the night. He was the definitive star. His speech was rather long but full of statistics and facts. He gave an embattled speech that touched on everything. He hit the Republicans on issues that they have not passed in Congress, on issues that they have talked about the President on. He went after the records of Romney & Ryan. He told everyone what the President has accomplished, tried to do and will do. One great line from his speech was "The Republicans left a huge mess for Obama, then they say he didn't clean it up fast enough and now they want to be voted back in because of that." Clinton was one part politician and one part Southern Baptist preacher on stage. His speech fired up everyone in the stadium, on Twitter as well as those watching at home. After he was done, Obama walked out on stage and embraced him. That was the money shot. Two great Presidents standing side by side.

The last night of the DNC was full of heavy hitters. Gabrielle Giffords spoke as did Eva Longoria. Both women gave speeches that touched me. I especially enjoyed Longoria's "The Eva Longoria who worked at Wendy's flipping burgers, she needed a tax break. But the Eva Longoria who works on movie sets does not." This line touched me. John Kerry also spoke on the fact that Romney flip flops on issues. Which in itself is hilarious because 8 years ago, the Republicans said the same thing about Kerry. His speech was hard hitting and full of facts. He took Romney and the Republicans to task for their lack of actual plans. He said "They (GOP) oppose everything that has made America exceptional in the first place." Vice President Joe Biden was up next. He spoke on the work ethic of Obama, on what the Republicans cannot/will not do. He stayed on track which is something he doesn't always do. But, tonight was different. Tonight was important. "You didn't give up, you got up...you didn't quit on America and you deserve a president who will never quit on you." Biden spoke on everything that Obama has done and all that he will do. The crowd loved it.
Finally, the man of the hour took the stage. President Obama was his usual charming self. He started his speech by thanking his wife and children. His family is always addressed first, which I think is an endearing quality. He was fiery in his rhetoric. Statements like this "You did not elect me to tell you what you wanted to hear. You elected me to tell you the truth" were sprinkled throughout his speech. There was a little air of cockiness as well. And, there should have been. He's earned that right. "I am no longer the candidate, I am the PRESIDENT." was the pinnacle statement of the President's speech. This speech was reminiscent of the 08 campaign speeches. He touched on so many issues while staying true to his base. He made his plea to those undecided voters while reminding his supporters of his record. The President was an excellent orator last night. This was a great acceptance speech. He has been our President and wants to continue to be that. This is his job and he wants to finish what he started. I love the theme of moving America forward as opposed to going backwards with the GOP. In my eyes, the President and the DNC did exactly what they were supposed to. The base was solidified and the undecideds were appealed to. This was as successful DNC as the 2008 one was. I cannot wait to cast my vote in November for Obama/Biden again. I'm excited and ready to do. Are you?
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