Dreams are a very interesting thing. I've been having a recurring dream. The landscape and scenario may change but the characters stay the same. In my dream, I am in various stages of pregnancy with multiples. I am carrying and finally delivering triplets. They are a boy followed by two girls. They are adorable babies. Now I've had baby/pregnancy dreams before but not like this. These dreams feel so real. Like I say their names and they respond, I can feel my babies in my arms, hear their cries, smell them. I even wake up expecting them to be here.
Is this a case of foreshadowing? (No, I'm not currently pregnant.) Or more of my mind playing out my hearts true desires? I'm not really sure. The dreams make me happy though. I guess it's because it is my future. I've always had really vivid dreams but not like this. These are very different. I'm intrigued to know what these specific dreams represent. I'm also interested in getting my cards read and/or my palm read. I wasn't always open to those avenues. But my curiosity has been piqued lately. It could just me being nosy. Either way, I want to know. My dreams are great. What do you guys dream about?
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