I am not a fan of Black History Month. I think it divides us even more. It is my belief that Black History is American history. It should be taught daily in all history classes. That's a discussion for another day. My issue today is something I read on Facebook. My friend's 5 year old son's class was ask to bring in pictures of an influential Black person. My friend is upset because he had to have a discussion with his son about the difference in Black and White.
I think 5 is a bit young for this discussion. The world is full of racism and dividing lines. I think that kids should be sheltered from the ills of the world. Things were so much easier and simpler when we were kids. My nephews don't know the difference. Why should they? Their school friends are just their friends. From Pre-K through college, my friends were diverse. I did not chose them based on their skin tone. I was taught that all people are equal. This is the only lesson kids should know.
I remember being a kid and thinking that everyone was just different shades of brown. That everyone was just like me. I remember the day I realized that people were different. I remember the first time another child called me a "nigga." Those moments still stand out in my mind. They cut like a knife. They made me feel less than. Kids shouldn't be exposed to that level of hurt. That form of racism begins in the home. That ignorance is passed down. I am totally against that. I'm not against Black History being taught. It should definitely be incorporated into every history lesson all the year. From slavery to President Obama, all of its American history. I am against introducing the labels Black and White to 5 year old. That's too young. I'm sort of disgusted with the whole topic. What say you? Let's discuss.
"You’re going to relegate my history to a month?" - Morgan Freeman
I'm with you Kenda,
ReplyDeleteI think it teaches segregation... When people try too hard to be "politically correct" they somehow manage to be an addition to the problem and not the solution. It's all American History, so why divide the races?? Also, instead of African American rights, teach equal rights, - instead of gay rights, teach equal rights - etc, etc, etc...
Larry B.
Thank you Larry. I totally agree with what you said here and on Facebook. It's way too heavy for 5 year olds.