Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It's My Hair: Melissa Harris-Perry Talks Hair Politics

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Black hair is THE topic of conversation. The above video is a great discussion on the subject. I am a fan of Melissa Harris-Perry and her platform. Her MSNBC show is a great political show with a point of view of that of a Black woman. I think she is a great political voice. She had a panel of four other varied Black women in various states of natural hair. I loved the variety of women that Harris-Perry had on her show. It was the perfect forum to discuss an issue that will not go away. All the women had interesting things to say about Black hair. Please take the time to watch the video. It's very insightful and enlightening.

Black hair is big business. Black women spend more on hair products and services more than any other group. We are that business. So, this huge shift towards the natural journey means a shift or loss in money. I don't know if it's because I am in a transitioning phase but I see this topic comes up a lot. I see more natural sisters now that I am becoming one. My hair is important to me. It is a part of me. Whatever I do to it, is my business. It's not about making a political statement or taking a stance. I made this choice for me. I want to know what my natural hair feels like, looks like. I may love it. I may hate it. But, I will always have options. No one made me do it or talked me into this. Actually, I've gotten some negative feedback from family members as well as positive. But, thankfully, I am not easily swayed. I have great self esteem and know what I stand for. This is the right move for me right now. I really do not care who doesn't like it or agree with it. It's not their hair.

The entire discussion was great to hear. I loved what Nicole Ari Parker said about her daughter. I think that epiphany is wonderful. And, if I had a daughter, I am sure I would feel the same way. Nicole from Curly Nikki made a great point as well about the issue being political and personal. I think that for most Black women, the decision to embrace their natural hair is a personal one. I, for one, did not set out to make a political stand with my hair. It's very interesting that people outside of the Black community are so enthralled with our hair. Yes, we already know its amazing as we are as a people. The conversation will continue as they always do when it pertains to Black women. We are definitely a great topic to discuss. In the end, our hair in any and every state is a issue that people should be intrigued by.


  1. I agree, Katch, Melissa Harris-Perry was Bold, to discuss the Politics of Black Hair. Sisters definitely have issues with their hair, especially the un-natural wearing-hair ladies. I'm glad to hear you are transitioning into your natural beauty. And as you mentioned, many sisters don't really know the true beauty of their hair: How it looks, feels, cultivates...The Politics of Black Hair...The Kink Rules...http://karenhalliburton.com/

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, reading, & commenting, Karen. I truly appreciate it. MHP is a fave of mine. I love her show. Also loved that she tackled this subject from a political angle. It was a great conversation to watch. Transitioning has been an adventure. But so far, so good.
