We all know what we are comfortable with. Certain situations and people will always make up comfortable. I don't like anything uncomfortable. I always say I don't do uncomfortable. I love me and I have always been very confident in who I am. I am in touch with my feelings and emotions.
Sometimes, we have to venture into the unknown, the uncomfortable to grow. There are conversations to be had in this zone. I've had to deal with myself in these uncomfortable moments. It hasn't been easy but the outcome ha been worth it. I don't know why these areas bother me so much. I know that I don't know it all or that I will be equipped to handle it all. This is what, I believe, the uncomfortable moments are about. They are placed in our life to challenge what we think we know, feel, and think.

It is best to go boldly into those uncomfortable moments and deal. For better or worse, dealing is better than running. That is a proven fact. You can only run so long from the things that scare you. They will manifest in your life in many ways until you handle it. Being uncomfortable is not a good feeling nor is it easy. But, the outcome trumps that feeling. I've often had to travel into the uncomfortable zone. I've come out a better, more aware woman. That is worth its weight on gold.
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