I hope that everyone has a merry Christmas. I also hope that with all the gift giving and receiving that we don't lose the real meaning behind Christmas. Yes, the gifts are nice but they are not the reason for the season. Either way, enjoy your holiday. I cannot wait to see my family!
Christmas, as a kid, was my favorite holiday. I loved the decorations and all of the lights. I was always amazed at seeing the houses all lit up. There is something here called "Christmas in the Oaks." It's a light display in the park. I used to look forward to it every year. I loved going to church for the Christmas service. It was the only time that I knew I would see my entire family. The laughter, the food, the love all were always in abundance during Christmas Day. Of course, the gifts were wonderful as well. I was a lucky kid. My Mom made sure my brother and I had every thing. We were never disappointed on Christmas morning. I don't remember believing in Santa Claus for a very long time. I knew early on that Mommie was Santa. And I was even more appreciative of everything I received. I've lost that love for the holiday though. I don't know when or why. Yesterday, I was very Scrooge-esque. Today, I vow to be better. I'm embracing the day in the manner it was intended. Merry Christmas to all of you!!
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