I have never been big on new years resolutions. I don't see the point of them. But I have been thinking about some changes that I want to make in the new year. I love a lot of things about me. I know that there are some areas of my life that need major improvements. I always take stock of what and who I am. What does 2012 hold for me? For you? I do or know. But, I feel that it could be one of the best years yet. I'm looking forward to it. Before it comes, here are a few things I plan to improve.
I need to change my eating habits. I don't eat a healthy as I should. I have to drink more water and less tea. I don't exercise and that needs to change. Even its just something as small as sit-ups and lunges to begin with. I need to begin a regiment and stick to it. I want to lose weight. But its not about being a size 2 because that's not feasible for me. I want to lose weight to get into shape, tone up and just get back to where I once was. This is something I have to do for myself.
My Bible reading needs to get back on track. I let life get in the way of learning. That cannot happen any more. I am so intrigued by everything in it. I desire to know more. I would love to finish 2012 with my hair fully natural. This is something so dear to me. I will try my best to stick to this as well. It's new and hard but I'm sure it will be perfect. I was tested a lot this year. So maybe next year will be a year full of rewards for passing those tests. I have a bad habits of biting my nails when I'm nervous, anxious, upset, etc. This needs to end in 2012. It's such a nasty, unladylike habit to have. I will conquer it in 2012. I have no choice.

As I say every year, I just want to keep pushing myself to be a better woman in every arena. That is the gist of my pseudo-resolutions. I try to pursue things that improve me. Some days I win, some days I don't. That is the reality of it all. I resolve to just be me in 2012 just as in 2011. The newness of a new year gives us all hope. That makes it all worthwhile. So, here's looking forward to 2012. I hope that it's as great as it is in my head!
First, thank you - I did not know this was Nina Simone originally! History lesson right here! It always intrigues me to know that the sound was already created and amazes me to think that artists are doing their homework/ research, sampling great music. VERY cool! // Secondly, I am going to pray for you and your new beginning! ...I'm excited for the journey. May everything you hope for and desire fall into place as you get back into the word =) May your life begin to transform in the ways that you desire as you grow toward Him!
ReplyDeleteNina Simone was a beast vocally. Jennifer made me hate that commercial though. I'm glad to know I enlightened you on some musical history. Thanks for the prayers and encouragement. I welcome that always. I am prayerful that things will work out exactly how they are supposed to.