Monday, December 05, 2011

Healthy Discussions

I love a healthy debate/discussion. Two or more intelligent minds dissecting an issue. It riles me up. Whether I agree with you or not, I can be open enough to hear your point of view. The volleying of a topic back and forth is intoxicating to me. I just want my opinions to be heard. I also know that's all that intelligent folks want as well. It's simple common courtesy. I can engage without inciting. I love for a person who is so convicted in their beliefs to try to win me over. I know there are things I m steadfast in. But, there are things that I know I could be persuaded in if I am giving some hard cold facts. Not every one will agree with my stance on issues. That is fine. The healthy debate is a must for me. I love to learn to much for it not to be.

On the flipside of this, I hate arguing and or screaming. It takes too much out of me in the end. I have a temper that I've learned to control. It takes so much to get me to the point of an all out verbal altercation. I do not like the way I physically feel afterwards. I get so mad that I am shaking, that my blood pressure is sky high, and I want to hurt someone. It's never ever a good thing. I try to avoid situations that can lead to this. It's the best thing for me. I know myself well enough to know this. I wish others knew when enough was enough. I hate for a person to push me to this point. I kind of black out. I will say whatever I am feeling. I do have a way with words...especially the naughty ones. I have said some things, in hindsight, that have made me cringe. But, I meant it. That's my truth. I need more healthy discussions and less argumentative ones. That's all I could really ask for is discussions that spark my brain and not anything else.


  1. I really like your usage of the word 'intoxicating' here. I agree that there are few things more stimulating than great dialogue! ...Wouldn't it be great to never get overly emotional and lose your cool though? It's just not a reality though. Not when you care. Not when there is great passion. Not when you are human.

  2. I take that back... because there have been many who have not lost there cool. I wonder what the secret is.

  3. That would be great. I'm trying to get to there. To be that zen about things. I'm much better than I used to be. But not where I want to be. I just hate that I allowed someone to make me act outside of myself. But hey I'm a work in progress.
