Today is December 14th 2011. 32 years ago at exactly 2:39am, I entered the world. The first child to Yolanda and Kenneth. First grandchild on my Mom's side, second on my Dad's. My family spoiled me from that moment.Today, I decided to reflect on what my life has been thus far. I am more than pleased with the woman I've become. From an early age, I've had a voice and opinion and a mind of my own. Whether I've been right or wrong, I've believed in me. As much as I've been weak, I've been strong.

I've never stopped laughing or making others around me laugh. I've written some things I am immensely proud of and others that I should've burned. I've loved some great songs and some not so great songs. I've fed my thirst for knowledge every way I could think of. I've been a sponge to the intelligent people I know. I've been the hardest on myself because I know me the best. I've learned that I can give myself a break, cry if need be, or walk away when I have to. I've found some of the best friends a girl could ask for. I've found a love that I didn't even know was obtainable. It has been the highlight of my year. Or rather, he has been the brightest spot in my 31st year. I've loved hard and fought harder. I'm sure there will be even more love to come. I can't wait for what comes next.
My 32 years have been somewhat indescribable. But, I wouldn't trade any of the happiness, sadness, joy, laughter, tears, hurt or pain. I needed all of it to make me complete. My only wish for the next 32 is that they are a little less unpredictable, a little less drama filled and engulfed in a lot more love and really living. People always ask me what I want for my birthday and I always say I don't know. The truth is I don't need anything. There hasn't been anything that's caught my eye. I'm just blessed to be here celebrating year 32! That is gift enough for this birthday girl!
Happy birthday! you're a beautiful and intelligent black woman and I wish you so many more happy birthdays!
ReplyDeleteAwww thank you BB, for the bday wishes and the compliments!