"Justice has been done," - President Barack Obama
Osama Bin Laden is dead. The number one terrorist on our list has been taken care of. All of this under the direction of our President Obama. As an American, I can feel a slight relief with this development. But, I cannot be happy about any one's death. That just isn't in me. This news was sudden to me. I did not know what to expect when the President broke into tv programming Sunday night. I was of the belief that Bin Laden would die before we ever caught him. This announcement caught me off guard. The above front page was in the New York Daily Post. The headline expresses the way most if not all feel about Osama Bin Laden.
Life post-9/11 has been different. I know I will forever remember where I was when the planes went into the Twin Towers. I can recall clearly how I felt about what I was watching. Things were so surreal. The thought that my country was under attack was insane. I do not think that my generation ever thought that something like this could happen. It just felt like we were living a movie...a horror film. At the time, I thought nothing could ever be so horrible. I was stunned and shocked. Those images will forever be ingrained into my head. Those two planes going into the Twin Towers forever changed American life. Too many souls were lost that day. Bin Laden claimed that he was responsible. For that admission, his death is deserved.
After President Obama announced the news, Americans gathered in the streets, waving the flag, and chanting "USA" in glee. I was disturbed by that. It reminded me of the people overseas doing the same manner. It just wasn't a good feeling. Still isn't. This is not a reason to rejoice. There is something inhumane about this. Americans also need to realize that Bin Laden's death does not signal the end of the war on terrorism. Al Queda is still strong and alive. I will not feel 100% safe until the threat is completely gone. Bin Laden's death could make the U.S. more susceptible to an act of terrorism. The world is a crazy place. His death is an American victory. There is no denying this. Osama Bin Laden is dead and the world is a better place for it.
"I will mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy." Martin Luther King Jr
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