I'm a lover not a fighter. But, I will fight for what/who I love. That's a given. I try to keep the peace. Try being the operative word. I have a lot of fight in me. I wish people realized how feisty I can get. If tested, I will prevail. I'm not even speaking on actual physical fights. I'm a smart ass and my words can be my sword. Going up against me when I totally believe in the cause is a losing situation. I don't give up and I refuse to back down. I wasn't built that way. I'm a Sagittarius, I love hard and can fight just as hard. That is just my way.
Sometimes I'll argue but I've curved that instinct too. I don't like drama. I avoid it at all costs. In the end, it's not worth it. I have a temper. I've learned how to control it. But, if you get on the wrong side of me, I can be a bitch. I'm ok with that admission. I own it. And, honestly after that, you and your argument have no chance. I go into attack mode. Being on the receiving end of that is not the best place to be. I am not this woman normally but when pushed I go there. I will definitely put a person in their place for messing with me and all that I perceive to be mine. Its a fine line to walk. I used to be so much more hot headed and quick tongued as a teenager and in my early 20's. I am thankful for the growth and maturity that I have experienced. Because the 21 year old version of me would snap quickly. I did not care. If you hurt my feelings, I crushed yours. That was a very immature way to handle hurt, betrayal or just plain miscommunication. Simply stated, I had to grow up. I had to realize that I was not handling things in the correct manner.
I have learned to not voice every thought or feeling I have. That is a tough feat for a blunt person. I hold back a lot of things to avoid situations. I try to not let others issues affect me. That is a daily struggle. I have no problem being quiet. It gives me time to think of less abrasive ways of saying things. I think in too old to be fighting physically. I leave that to the kids. My confrontations are few and far between, which is a great thing. Are you a lover of a fighter? Or quite possibly a mix of the two? Let me know.
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