...well not really but he definitely made me move. I went to a club for the first time in a long time. And, another first, I was in the club with all of my siblings (who are of legal age). Now, for me being the oldest, this was a big deal. Huge. I felt like a proud mommy! I've watched them all grow up. I remember holding all four of them as babies. We were all out & about for my youngest brothers birthday. It was definitely a celebration. Especially since I haven't seen my brother in about 5 years.
The party was a success in more ways than one. Good friends and drinks were a plus. Most importantly, we took a siblings picture. We haven't done that in a minute. And, the dj went into this throwback set that made my night. I mean tracks I haven't heard years. I drank Coconut & Peach Ciroc all night. Maybe I had one too many drinks but fun was indeed had. I was in a giggly mood after that. I had a great time. I came home with no voice but this smile that cannot be duplicated. I really loved my sisters & brothers. They are all really great individuals. I'm blessed to be their older sister. So,in actuality, a dj didn't save my life but he provided a great soundtrack to what was definitely a hell of a great night.