I love water. I love to be in it, love to look at large bodies of it, and showers are just about my favorite things. But, recently I realized that when it came to drinking water, I was not doing my part. I LOVE tea. Hot, cold, iced, sweet teas are all my favorites. I needed to change this. I needed to add water to my daily intake. I'm not one who drinks sodas frequently but when I do drink them, they are always the worst kind. I like Cherry Cokes and root beer. I needed a change and I needed one quickly. My health is important to me. I know that my body craves water. It needs it desperately.

So, in the past week or so, I have been drinking nothing but water. Let me tell you, it has been hard!! I've had to basically trick myself into believing that water tastes good. It really doesn't. It has no taste. but, the results have been great. The more water I drink, the more I enjoy it. It's also making me full because I am drinking before a meal. I know, for most, that drinking water may not be a big deal. But, to me, it has become one. When I sat and thought about when and if I was drinking any water, those times where few and far between. This was no bueno. I needed to rectify that. All it took was a few days to get me into a habit. So, for the time being, I am sticking to my water only regimen. So far, so good!
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