Let me just get this out. Rush Limbaugh is a big mouth idiotic bully with too much airtime on his hands. Whew! Now that I've gotten that out of my system I can really get into this. Limbaugh went on his show and called a 30 year old female Georgetown law student a prostitute. All because the student, Sandra Flute, wanted her voice heard about the contraceptive issue. Flute was denied the rigt to testify in front of Congress. Her main objective was the high price of birthday control pills. Limbaugh took this info and went on a disrespectful rant on his 3 hour talk radio show. He called her a prostitute for wanting birth control covered by insurance and a slut. Really Rush? How moronic is that? And, the sad thing is there are a plethora of people who adhere to the same beliefs as him. They listen to his hate spewing on a daily. I cannot grasp that.

After days of spewing his disgusting speech, his advertisers began pulling out of his show. Then, came the obligatory apology. He said he didn't mean it personally. What? Limbaugh called Sandra by name multiple times. Everything he said was directed at her. How did he not mean it personally? If you say my name, you're talking to me personally right? That's what I thought. When no one accepted his faux apology, he released another one that wasn't much better. There was nothing heartfelt or sincere about either apology. He meant what he said about her. It's like him and his followers believe that adult, sexually active women are sluts. I'm offended. Deeply. Because that is pure, unadulterated bullshit. There is no other way to call that. I cannot understand how little people comprehend. Common sense is clearly not common to all.

This article is the most detailed of all the events that led up to his statements and the consequences of them. As of now, Limbaugh's show has lost 43 advertisers. It seems that everyone does not stand behind these stamens. They are hitting Limbaugh where it hurts: in his pockets. Advertisers are how talk radio shows are kept afloat. Without them, hopefully this means the end for Limbaugh. I'm sorry you cannot say inflammatory, derogatory things on air about someone and not have consequences. He deserves whatever he gets. I've never been a fan. This pushes him higher on my list of folks I tune out.
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