I am a social drinker. I like what I like. A great dirty martini or glass of Blackberry Merlot are always on my list. I'm partial to vodka, preferably top shelf like Grey Goose, Belvedere, Ciroc & Ketel One. I'm also into wine. I don't have a favorite. I like reds, merlot being the best thing ever. Whites and blushes are good as well. I do not drink the way I did in college. But then again, who can? Lol. I am 32 not 22 anymore. It's so strange the way your body changes as you get older. I used to be able to outdrink some of my boys. Those days are long gone.

I know people drink for all different reasons. There has only been one time when I can remember that I drank to escape. After my dad was killed, I didn't want to deal or feel anything. So I drank. A lot. For a whole semester, I was buzzed and/or drunk. I needed to be someone else. In hindsight, I know my behavior was detrimental. But, back then, it was my only option. Since then, I've never allowed myself to get to that point again. I don't drink to avoid my feelings. I don't even drink that much right now.

Everything in moderation. That's the key when it comes to vices. Drinking is something I do to unwind & relax. Nothing more, nothing less. I can't really think of a better reason. I don't do it often. I don't overindulge. I also don't judge those who don't drink. I would hope anyone who felt the need to judge me about anything I do or don't do would kindly keep it to themselves. I'm not overly concerned with what others do. So, if I feel like having a drink or three, trust me I will. It will usually be in the confines of my own spot. I prefer to drink at home. Drink up!
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