Monday, December 27, 2010

My Year In Review: Spirituality

I used to be big on church. That has not been the case lately. I've become disillusioned with organized religion. I deceided to take things into my own hands for a while. This year I've been exploring my spirituality on my own. It has been a rather interesting journey thus far.

I've taken on the task of reading the Bible. I invested in a study Bible that has been a great help. I've been able to garner a deeper understanding of the words and stories in the Bible. I would like to think that reading these words have given me some patience and peace. It's amazing how much I've retained from childhood sermons. I love when I get to a story I know in the Bible. It really touches me.

So far, Matthew and Romans are by far my two favorite books. I've been enthralled by the story aspects of these books. I will not say that I read the Bible everyday. But, I am reading it alot more than I ever have before. Some chapters are more interesting than others. This makes for fast reading for me.

I am completely committed to reading all of it. I'm no where near completing the Bible. And, for the first time when it comes to reading, I'm not on a rush to finish it either. I'm enjoying this process and can't wait to continue it into the new year.


  1. I definitely want to read the Bible too. Its something I've been wanting to do but haven't committed to it. Maybe that's something I'll really try in the near future.

  2. @ BB - It's been a very enlightening experience so far. The study Bible I have makes it easier. I think it also help to have someone to discuss it with as well. If you decide to get into it, I'm here for discussions girl!
