Baby. Sweetheart. Honey. Boo. Pumpkin. Sweetie. Love. All terms of endearment. When said by the right person, they can make one's heart swell and plaster the biggest grin on one's face as well. So exactly what's in a name?? It's something special between two people in a relationship. Its private and can be their secret.
I was never fond of cutesy nicknames. However, I had an epiphany the other day. I wasn't particularly fond of them because they never felt real to me until now. I guess its true what they say. It takes the right person to say that one word to you and you just feel it. It's akin to hearing the words for the first time. Mushy? Yes. Truthful? Undeniably. But, again it's something so special between two people who feel deeply for each other. That is a great thing to me.
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