° I am sad because I am on the last book in the Left Behind series. I cannot wait to write my review for you guys. It's been a really long time since I've been so enthralled with a book (or set of books).
° I am beyond over this extreme heat and random rain. But, then again, this is New Orleans. I know that this is what happens here this time of year.
° I am thanking God for growth, maturation, and restraint. I def called on all of that a few weekends ago. Thank you God for bringing me there.
° This #30in30 challenge has been stressful but great. Writing everyday has been a battle that I've been fighting and wining since the beginning of the year. That is not the hard part. I've challenged myself to write differently. I am sharing more and trying to write about different topics. I am thankful for the opportunity to sharpen my tool though.
° It's been 45 weeks since my last relaxer. That is a lifetime to a woman who couldn't remember a time when I didn't have a relaxer. It may not mean anything to anyone else but its everything to a woman like me. Yay ME!! This was not something I thought I could do and stick with. I'm so glad that I have. It's been a journey and I'm almost to the end of my transition. October 2nd will be my one year anniversary.
° It's football season again! I've missed it so much. Let's see what my boys can do this season.
° I have been playing around with the idea of writing short stories. I haven't done it in a while. I am going to post it here once I do it.
° I also haven't written a poem in forever. That's really a travesty. I've been so blog focused that I've forgotten about the avenue that brought me here. Poetry is the heart of me. I need to do better.
° I realize that I can no longer sustain relationships in my life that aren't equal. I cannot do all the giving or the doing while receiving nothing in return. I'm too old not to know better. Going forward, this is the mantra.
° One of my favorite things to do is listen to HIM sleep. It's silly but it's very calming to me. He does that for me.
° So, I've always had vivid dreams. But waking up sore and/or bruised from them has never been the move. How is it possible for me to hurt myself in a dream & wake up injured in real life? I'm perplexed. *as I stare at this random thigh bruise*
° I find myself sitting with the tv off more often. I've either grown tired of the awful programming selection or my attention has shifted to more productive things. Either way, I'm good :-)
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