Friday, August 24, 2012

#30in30: How Time Changes Things

As a little girl, I could not imagine a day when my friends wouldn't be my friends anymore. There was nothing I could fathom back then that would lead to us not being friends today. Maybe I was idealistic and unreasonable. I just knew that those 6 girls would always be my close friends. For many years, I never had to worry about that. Then we became young adults. We graduated from college and life got in the way. I can still pick up the phone and reach out to any one of them. But, we just aren't the close knit group we once were. That's just the way things have played out.
The thing that I've realized is that life has a way of pulling people apart. Literally, almost all of my female friends are married or moms. I am neither. There are things that I cannot relate to on some level with them. Out of state moves have also played a small part in this friendship migration. A change of religion on the part of a friend has caused a divide as well. We are still essentially the same little girls. We still love the same things about each other. It doesn't mean that I don't miss certain aspects of these women. They were my entire world. It wasn't a sudden change in friendship. It happened gradually. One day, I realized how much space was between all of us. I guess that life has a way of giving you what you need in a friend at that time.

I'm always open to meeting new people. Getting to know new people is tiring though. It's also very ironic that my two closest friends also happen to be my first cousins. As my Mom called them, my first friends. I am beyond thankful for Ty & Reese for always being there. As well as my sisters. Friendships are all unique and important in their own way. We, as humans, need them, thrive on them. I am thankful for all the ones I've had in my life. I think I've learned something from each and every friend I've ever encountered. I can only hope that I left the same kind of impression on them as well.

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