Romney picked Ryan as his running mate this past weekend. So, now that battle has been set. With the picking of Ryan, Romney solidifies the fact that he is only about the rich population of the U.S. Ryan, like Romney, wants to tax the middle class while giving all the tax breaks to the rich. He also wants to do away with Medicare as we know it. Ryan is just as bad as Romney. The bottom line is if we don't re-elect President Obama, Romney/Ryan will be running this country. Americans can't afford what they are selling. I cannot say a whole lot more about it. But, I will list some things about Ryan below. This is serious business. This election will come down to the very last vote. We should all be watching what's going on. Politics are serious business. It affects all of us. Vote or Romney will be President. I can't let that happen. We cannot allow that to occur.
12 Things You Should Know About Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan by Scott Hoffman
1. Raises taxes on the middle class, cuts them for millionaires.
2. Dramatically increases Medicare costs for seniors, increases eligibility age.
3. Leaves Social Security to the whims of Wall Street.
4. Budget would result in 4.1 million lost jobs in 2 years.
5. Eliminates Pell Grants for more than 1 million students.
6. Embraces extreme individualism (selfishness is “virtue.”)
7. Keeps $40 billion in subsidies for Big Oil.
8. Ryan’s Family stands to benefit from oil subsidies
9. Claimed Romneycare has led to “rationing and benefit cuts.”
10. Believes that Romneycare is “not that dissimilar to Obamacare.”
11. Accused generals of lying about their support for Obama’s military budget.
12. Co-sponsored a personhood amendment.
"All signs point to Paul Ryan being Romney's VP pick. So the man who doesn't care about the poor and likes "firing people" will pick the guy that would end Social Security as we know it. hmmm way to alienate everybody. The poor, the elderly, etc..."
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