"I swear I'm so freaking random that it's funny." - Me
* I just finished reading Aliya S. King's first novel "Platinum" and it was awesome. I cannot wait to read the follow up "Diamond Life" next year. I have to support great writers.
* I'm so over this rain that has become a daily occurrence in the N. O. It's not even cute anymore.
* I'm having a love/hate relationship with my Palm Pre and Sprint. I really love Sprint but lately they have been giving me the blues. The Pre's service has been sh-t since HP purchased the company. I want an Evo. I can upgrade next month I do believe. I'm not gonna switch cell providers though. I'm a loyal Sprint customer!
* I'm addicted to this cheap blue nail polish I copped. It's by NYC & it's called "Empire State of Mind" and its so adorable.
* I find it ironic that I found what I didn't even know I needed.
* Reading the Bible is giving me so much peace I never knew I needed. It's helping me curb my anger towards certain people.
* I hate to ever feel unsure about things. I like to be settled in my feelings. Uncertainty is not my cup of tea.
*Thinks its wonderful that a person has walked into my life by accident but has plans to stay on purpose.
* My musical random thoughts: Dondria's cd "Dondria vs Phatfffat is a cute little R&B cd. "Believer" & "Where Did We Go Wrong?" are my favorite tracks so far. Fantasia's "Back To Me" is nice as well. I hate that I love her song "Collard Greens and Cornbread" lol. Mayer Hawthorn has a voice that is a bonafide throwback to the heyday of Motown record's. Every time I hear his "I Need You," I feel it deep in my soul.
* I feel like I'm falling. This is insane.
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