My parents were both born in New Orleans, La. They met & fell in love in high school. At 19 & 20 respectively, they were married and had me. After years of being together and not being together, they were divorced in 1997 my senior year of high school. I lost my Dad @ 18. A very sad and angry time in my life that I'm not ready to get into.
My Mom has always been the backbone of who I am. She worked 2 and 3 jobs to take care of me and my brother. I've never ever felt unloved or alone. Things weren't always easy for us, but she did her best. We never went without food, clothing, housing, or electricity. She is the epitome of a mother doing whatever it takes to take care of her kids. She always put us first. She instilled so many values in me. We've always been able to talk (minus those teenage years when I "thought" she was my enemy). She's one of my best friends and one of the best women I know. She's not perfect and her flaws make her even more down to earth. I love to clown with her about everything. She's very affectionate, always telling us she loves us & hugging us. That alone has made me a very affectionate and loving person. I'm sure my brothers, sisters, cousins, friends, nephews, nieces and Godkids all know how much I love them. Because of my Mom, I'm always telling them. I appreciate all the things she sacrificed for me.
My Dad was my twin. We were so much alike. We bumped heads often. Mostly because I would call him on his bs. I hated that he wasn't a father to all 6 of us. He was a joker, hilarious sense of humor, great smile, and nice eyes. I just wished he would've been more of a Father to me. I'm the oldest and I needed him. Hell, I still do. He kinda never really grew up. I miss his laugh and the way he used to say my name. I never doubted that he loved me. I was his baby girl, his firstborn. He cherished me. As a kid, he was my all. I really miss him.
So, that's my take on Yolanda and Kenneth, my parents. Everything that I am, fundamentally, is because of them. I am thankful for them.
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