I'm supposed to be writing every day. That was the mantra I said I was going to live by this year. Some days are much better than others. Some days the words just flow from my soul. On those days, I am the best writer. I am a fountain of inexplicable bliss when it comes to words. I live for those days. And, then there are the days that I cannot formulate an interesting paragraph. I get stuck from the first sentence. I abhor those days. Those days, I chose not to share the less than stellar writing I do with the other writers, poets and readers I know. Those days I am ashamed of me squandering my gift.
There are things I feel I cannot write yet because I haven't experienced enough. I write from my heart and that leaves me very vulnerable. Whenever I write, I am laying my heart bare on the page. That takes guts. Some days I am entirely gutless. There are things I write that I won't post or blog or share because it is too personal. I don't feel ready to share all of me. I am getting better at this though. This blog is a great testament to that. I love to write. It is my passion. Some days. like today, I just have to sit with some topics before I can get into it. This writer has a headache now. I'm done. I'll write to you guys later! <3
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