Movies, like books, take me on a journey. I love movies. Its a good way to spend a day. I really enjoy Black movies, romantic comedies, musicals, and documentaries the most. I don't really stray from those genres. Hey, I like what I like. I am a (reluctant) romantic and a self proclaimed music fanatic. Those genres feed that side of me. I wasn't necessarily open to different genres. I was ok with that or so I thought. My baby, however, had other ideas. He began suggesting movies outside the norm to me.

There is someone in my life who has opened my eyes to many new things. He's got me watching movies I have avoided for years. All because they didn't fit into my box of movies that I like. He suggested "300" last year. I reluctantly agreed to watch it. I did not believe that I would like it at all. Boy, was I ever wrong. I loved it!!! From beginning to the end, I was caught up in it. The intensity of the fighting scenes, the acting, all of it was amazing to me. "300" was a great and amazing film. I know that the movie is old. But, it's new to me. I would even say that its a favorite of mine now. I have HIM to thank for that.

The next movie we watched was "Robin Hood." Another amazing film. It is also in the same vein as "300." The struggle, the fight of good versus evil and a great lead character. And, deep within the plot is a buried love story. That made it even more enjoyable. Russell Crowe is a beast. I never really got the appeal of him. I so get it now. I do. He is so amazing and convincing in these type of roles. I enjoyed the retelling of the "Robin Hood" tale. It was new and exciting to watch. I love the fight in Russell's character. He did not and would not give up. He fought for all that was right. I loved it. My baby was right again. He was two for two.

And, finally we have "Gladiator." This movie solidified my appreciation of Russell Crowe. He was great in this as well. He was enslaved and sold off. He had to right for survival and also to avenge the murder of his family. He became the savior of Rome. The aerial and architectural shots of Rome were beautifully breathtaking. It makes me want to visit there. The movie was very, very good. My baby is now three for three. Seems like he can't pick a bad one. I am glad that he convinced me to watch these films. I love the things he is showing me. It feeds into my need for knowledge about everything. I know these are just movies but they symbolize so much more. I'm looking forward to all the rest of my baby's movie picks, amongst other things.
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