Thursday, February 28, 2013

This Reader's Review: Part XIV: "A Deeper Love Inside: The Porsche Santiaga Story"

Sister Souljah is the author who wrote one of the books I cherished as a young woman. I read "The Coldest Winter Ever"as a teenager. It was one of the main books that shaped my world. I've been a fan of those characters for decades now. It took many, many years for Sister Souljah to write any kind of sequel. Then, a few years ago, she gave us not one but two books about one of the most interesting characters in TCWE. Midnight was that character. Both books, which I loved, gave me an detailed insight on his story. I was happy to have it. Sister Souljah created characters who were so unlike me and my world but I still identified with them. She showed me a world that was real to so many people. I was a fan then, I'm still a fan now. All three of her books were interesting to me. 

I was not expecting to get anymore from the author about the characters from TCWE. But, Souljah gave her fans another gift in the form of "A Deeper Love Inside: The Porshce Santiaga Story." Porsche is the sister of Winter, middle daughter of Ricky and Lana Santiaga. She was the mostly quiet, observant daughter in TCWE. This book tells the story of what happens to her after the fall of her Dad. Porsche is pulled from her fantasy turned reality life. She is no longer the pampered princess. Her life becomes hard and rugged. From foster homes to juvenile detention centers, Porsche has to fight every step of the way. She was hard because of the curve balls thrown at her but still soft underneath it. That's what makes her such a relatable character. For most of the book, she is a little girl playing grown woman. But, while doing that, she becomes that woman. 

It is a very interesting read. It begins really slow to me. Souljah also has a habit of being verbose. She displayed this in both Midnight books. I kept reading the book because I was already invested in the characters. The ending was worth it. There is even an appearance of three main characters from TCWE. Those made me very happy. I loved catching up with the characters that I feel in love with as a teenager. It felt familiar in a way. I love that. Porsche turned out to be totally different than I thought she would be. She is a character that I wanted to win. Her life was full of so many twists and turns. None of them expected but all of them needed to make her who she would become. If you are a fan of "The Coldest Winter Ever" or "Midnight," then "A Deeper Love Inside" is the book for you. It brings closure to a story that has been around for decades. Sister Souljah did an incredible job of coming full circle with the characters she created. 

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