*...and my answers will confuse and amuse you. My mind is a complex place.
*"Otis" by Jay-Z and Kanye is 3 minutes of reckless, braggadocious, brilliant one liners. I LOVE!! Cannot wait to get my hands on "Watch The Throne" on 8/1/11. Peep the track here
* I am beyond tired. My head hurts as does my heart. I don't see a resolution in my immediate future.
* (excuse my french but...)People are fucking stupid. There is just no other way to say it.
* I cannot get over the fact that Casey Anthony was found not guilty. Her daughter, Caylee, is still dead. And, justice WAS NOT served in Florida.
* The business of loaning money is a tricky one. It makes you not want to help people. My mindset is this, IF I do loan $, I shouldn't have to ask to BORROW my own $$ back. In the words of Ronnie from "Players Club," "Run Me My Money!!!"
* I feel it deep in my soul that something big has to be on the horizon. *praying for peace until it does*
* I've tried not to wonder/worry about someone. I've failed horribly on that front. I just wish I knew something.
* I've been neglecting my blog...purposely. I have been writing a lot, but it's been more soul searching things that I cannot/will not share. It's a little too raw for the web.
* Sometimes, we all need someone to just listen. I took advantage of my great friend last week. It felt good to release that.
* I've been a bad mood lately. So, in order to not let it rub off on others, I've been isolating myself. I don't wanna be Debbie Downer. That wouldn't be good for anyone. I'm hoping to shake back from this soon.
* I had the best time at my family reunion. Which is funny because I had no plans to be there. Hell, I had planned on being out of town. But, I went and enjoyed it more than I could've imagined. Great weekend.
* My youngest nephew is just about the sweetest kid ever. He always makes me laugh.
* One of my favorite cousins came to visit. I always have such fun with her and her kids. She used to be my shadow when we were kids. So wonderful to see her all grown up with a family of her own.
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