Around the E-Streets (XV)

- It's been 36 days and Mike Brown's killer Darren Wilson is still free. He has not been seen since August 9th. Why Lawd?! Fix It Jesus!! Protesters are still calling for the cop to be arrested as is the rest of the world.
- Vogue wrote a bullshit article creating white women with this new era of the booty. The entire web erupts in epic shade and laughter. The hashtag #VogueArticles took over Twitter. I can only shake my head. White folks stay columbusing.
- LAPD detained a woman, Daniele Watts, they thought was a prostitute. Why did they think this? She is a Black woman who was kissing her white husband in public. That's it. That's all.
- Ronald Ritchie, the man who called police and set into motion the murder of John Crawford III has changed his story. He now claims that Crawford wasn't aiming the toy gun at people. He only changed his mind AFTER the surveillance tape was released and it shows he lied. I think RItchie should be charged in Crawford's death as well as the cop who killed him. It is like open season on Black people. Damn!
- This entire Ray Rice - Roger Goodell drama is insane. Rice is guilty as hell. But, so is Goodell. If Rice has lost his job, Goodell should suffer the same fate. Crazy that the NFL condemned Michael Vick behind some damn dogs and only gave Rice a slap on the wrist for beating his girlfriend who just happens to be a Black woman. Why don't we matter to people?!?

- One great thing that came out of the Ray Rice domestic violence/NFL suspension was the #WhyIStayed twitter hashtag.
- Maybe someone should tell Stephen A. Smith to shut the entire hell up already? There was this and now this. Vick bankrolled dog fights. So, is Smith comparing Black women to dogs?!? Really, Black man? I call bs. ESPN should fire him.
- I love children's books that feature Black kids and natural hair. Here is a list of some great ones.
- Read an interesting article. You should too. It's one woman's take on being the only White person in the room during high school.
- Word on the streets is that Beyonce' is quite possibly pregnant with Baby Carter #2 and that Jay Z announced it on stage in Paris at the second to last OTR show. Time will tell.
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