Weight. It's a topic most people hate to discuss. Losing it or gaining it, weight is a big deal. And, it's time for me to face the facts. I need to lose weight. I'm not talking about some drastic amount like 100lbs. But, I need to make a huge change. In the last year, I've gained weight. I know exactly why I gained the weight, I was depressed and stressed. I am a stress eater. I let the last year of my life just happen to me. I simply existed for almost all of 2013. Those days are over. I haven't been a very thin girl since I was a teen. There have been moments in my life that I wasn't happy about my weight. But, as I got older, I accepted my body for what it was. That is no longer the case. Since the beginning of this year, I have been on my happiness journey. I've been working on my thoughts and my faith. Now, I need to work on my physicality. This work starts on March 1st. I am ready, scared but ready. I need to do this for me because I deserve to have the best life available to me.
((P.S. - I am super proud of myself for setting a personal blogging goal of blogging every day in February and completing it!! Yay me!!))