Friday, February 28, 2014

The March Challenge

Weight. It's a topic most people hate to discuss. Losing it or gaining it, weight is a big deal. And, it's time for me to face the facts. I need to lose weight. I'm not talking about some drastic amount like 100lbs. But, I need to make a huge change. In the last year, I've gained weight. I know exactly why I gained the weight, I was depressed and stressed. I am a stress eater. I let the last year of my life just happen to me. I simply existed for almost all of 2013. Those days are over. I haven't been a very thin girl since I was a teen. There have been moments in my life that I wasn't happy about my weight. But, as I got older, I accepted my body for what it was. That is no longer the case. Since the beginning of this year, I have been on my happiness journey. I've been working on my thoughts and my faith. Now, I need to work on my physicality. This work starts on March 1st. I am ready, scared but ready. I need to do this for me because I deserve to have the best life available to me. 

So, I have a plan for March. I will be implementing it tomorrow. Since I am still opposed to the gym, I will start slowly at home. I will do the above ab and squat challenge. I have already eliminated soda from my life. I will also be cutting back on breads, pasta and rice. I want to work more salads into my diet. I eat a lot of vegetables and fruit already but I think adding more can't hurt. I need to drink more water than I currently do. It is a proven fact that you need to drink half your weight in ounces of water daily. I also want to cut back on (and eventually totally avoid) pork. This will be a challenge because of bacon. But, I am focused. I just want to feel as good outside as I do inside. And, that means losing weight and getting healthy. I am not getting any younger. I have two other really good reasons for starting this journey but they are super personal. But, I have to achieve this to accomplish them. So, this blog is more for me than anyone else. It's to make myself accountable in some way to stick to this. Tomorrow is the day. Wish me luck, people!

((P.S. - I am super proud of myself for setting a personal blogging goal of blogging every day in February and completing it!! Yay me!!))

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