Sunday, December 04, 2011

Am I Too Sarcastic? Maybe, Maybe Not.

Sarcasm is a very unique personality trait. Everyone does not possess it. Nor does everyone use it correctly. It is one of the many things I love about myself. I can be very sarcastic. It's the reason why the MTV cartoon "Daria" was such a favorite of mine. It's inherently a part of me. But, the older I get, I begin to wonder if it's too much. I think my sarcastic nature can be misconstrued by some.

There are things I say that mean no harm but are often taken that way. The fact is I'm a sarcastic person. I call it like I see it. I don't think I should have to sugarcoat things for adults. We are all grown ups so we should all be able to take it. But clearly that isn't the case with everyone. I'm the person who will give you an opinion if you ask for it. I've toned down my urge to offer it without being asked as the years have gone by. Sarcastic people are my kind of people. Simply because I get them. I don't take offense because I know it's harmless. Every one isn't like me though. This much I know to be true.

I am well aware that my tone of voice can be very blunt. That's the Sagittarius in me. I've soften some on that as well. It is not my intent, for the most part, to cut anyone down with my words. (If you're on my bad side, that's another story.) I wonder if my delivery could be better, my words sweeter or my tone lighter. I worry that I may unintentionally hurt someone I love dearly. So, in an effort to stop these thoughts, I'm thinking more before I speak. I want my words to only help. I don't want to be the one who cuts others down with my words. As a writer, I know how important words are. It's one of things I'm constantly working on daily. What can I say? I'm a work in progress! Watch me work!

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