Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Metrosexual: Yay or Nay?

A man's grooming habits are important. A man who cares about his appearance in sexy. One who takes the time to upkeep his look is very sexy. But how much is too much? No man should have more extensive grooming habits than a woman. Metrosexual is the term now associated with men and grooming habits. Men should groom, I'm not denying that. But, there has to be a point that can't be crossed. To me, there are things that men should not do as far as grooming goes.

I just don't want now hairless, soft, waxed man next to me. He and I should not be able to go to the same esthetician. That's not even good look at all. I like a man to look like a man. Nice haircut, beard and mustache nicely groomed, clean fingernails, great smile all make a wonderful impression. These are things I notice and pay attention to. It's important to me. And, a good smelling man, whether it's his natural scent, soap or cologne, is ahead of the pack. I think all men should engage in pedicures. It's a necessary evil in my book.

I draw the line at certain things though. I do not care for any man who waxes any part of his body. No heterosexual man should have waxed/plucked/arched eyebrows. Whenever I see a man with eyebrows that are snatched tighter than my own, he gets the biggest side-eye ever. There is something inherently wrong with that picture. That is not hot to me. I'm not big on a man shaving/waxing his legs or chest either. I mean, he's a man. Men are supposed to be hairy. I couldn't imagine laying in a bed with a man who's legs were as smooth as mine. That would creep me out quickly. I also don't think a man should take longer than a woman to get dressed or spend more time in the mirror than a woman. Women primp, men shouldn't.

This could fall under the umbrella of my very traditional views on things. But, I just think some things that are for women are not for men. I'm cool with a metrosexual man to a point. I don't want to compete with my man for bathroom time. I'm a woman and it takes me a while to put together a look. But, there is also so much more that I have to do to get ready. In closing, I just want to say that I like the man to look like a man, smell like a man, and feel like a man. He should be hard where I am soft. It's the way men and women were created to be. We shouldn't mess with that. So, what do you guys think about metrosexuals? Yay or Nay?

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