Monday, August 11, 2014

It's My Hair: Dye Job

I love color. Always have. Dying my hair has been my thing since I was 14. But, I haven't dyed my hair in four years. FOUR! So, to say I was apprehensive is an understatement. I got some great advice from my dope friend Reese. I purchased L'Oreal Technique Excellence HiColor (Browns For Dark Hair Only) in Light Auburn. I got three boxes because I have thick, coarse hair. I also picked up one bottle of L'Oreal 30 Oreo Developer. I parted my hair into four sections. I mixed them in a plastic applicator bottle. I then applied it to my hair starting at the back left fourth. It took a while to apply all of the dye to my entire head. I did not let it sit for long. I rinsed it out with warm water. Then I shampooed and conditioned my hair. Below are my results which I am now ecstatic about. I wasn't that happy about it the day after. But, this weekend, a braidout made me realize how deep my new shade was. In the pics, my hair looks purple but it really isn't. I know that next time, I will leave the dye on longer to get a lighter shade. I am happy with my results. Happy Kenda is happy. Get into my color, honey!


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