Sunday, November 06, 2011

One of My Favorites

Animated movies make me happy. I've totally gotten nothing done on this Sunday because ABC Family decided to play Disney movies all day. Forgoing my usual routine of HGTV, Food Network and/or football, I indulging in it. I finally watched "Cars" for the first time. I see now why it's a favorite amongst my nephews. I loved it as well. And, then my absolute favorite movie came on. "Beauty and the Beast" makes me feel like a 12 year old. From the opening number to the closing credits, I'm all into it.

I think I identified with Belle because she was a bookworm. I have always been one as well. Growing up, none of my friends were into books as I was. Reading has been my thing since I was 3. Belle was depicted as an odd and peculiar girl. During those awkward teenage years, those words defined me. The songs in "Beauty and the Beast" are classics to me. I know every word to the movie and every song. I also think I loved the fact that it was an unconventional love story as well. Belle and the Beast fell in love with each other's souls. How beautiful is that? The bookworm in me spoons every time he gives her the library. Seriously, I could've lived in that room forever.

The characters in "Beauty and the Beast" are all adorable and memorable. I feel the same way every time I watch it. I've been smiling at the tv since it came on. I'm such a kid! The soundtrack for the film is quote impressive as well. I find myself humming "Be Our Guest" randomly. It's just a really fun, feel good animated movie. It is the epitome of happiness in film to me. It takes me back. Hopefully, you guys got to enjoy it today as well. If not, you sshould have a copy in your DVD collection. Enjoy the music below.

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